A Chinese woman died due to electric shock when using the iPhone 5 is charging

Last week, a 23-year-old Chinese girl is dead for the reason given by the shock of her phone iPhone 5, and Apple today have spoken about them is confirmed to investigate whether their products related to this death. According to Reuters, Ms. Ma Aliun living in Xinjiang province, China was electrocuted when she answered a phone call with the iPhone 5 when it is plugged in the charger.

Aliun sister posted information about her death on social networks Sina Weibo and it has attracted a lot of attention, the Xinhua news agency also quoted the police confirmed the accident and death this girl. Apple has provided a site The Verge the following message: "We are truly saddened by this accident and profound condolences to the family of her Ma. We will carefully investigate and coordinate with the authorities in this case.

Still early to say exactly what caused the death of her Ma Aliun, however, is that Apple may actually want to
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