Pengertian Perbedaan Routing Static dan Routing Dynamic

Network – Pengertian, Perbedaan Routing Static dan Routing Dynamic yang akan kita bahas pada posting kali ini. Banyak perbedaan dari beberapa routing yang telah ada sekarang dan biasanya routing itu sangat dibutuhkan untuk menghubungkan jaringan antar lokal ataupun antar kota. Routing adalah Konfigurasi yang akan dilakukan pada perangkat keras Router. Jenis-jenis router pun berbeda-beda, konfigurasinya pun berbeda-beda. Contoh CISCO produksi router CISCO banyak digunakan karena konfigurasinya sudah familiar dan banyak instansi pendidikan pun sudah dijadikan matakuliah agar bisa di pelajari lebih lanjut. Secara umum, router dibagi menjadi dua buah jenis, yaitu:

A. Static Routing ( Routing Statis)

Static routing (Routing Statis) adalah sebuah router yang memiliki tabel routing statik yang di setting secara manual oleh para administrator jaringan. Routing static pengaturan routing paling sederhana yang dapat dilakukan pada jaringan komputer.  Menggunakan routing statik murni dalam sebuah jaringan berarti mengisi setiap entri dalam  forwarding  table  di  setiap router yang berada di jaringan tersebut.
Penggunaan  routing  statik  dalam  sebuah  jaringan  yang  kecil  tentu  bukanlah suatu masalah,  hanya  beberapa  entri  yang  perlu  diisikan  pada  forwarding table di setiap router. Namun Anda tentu dapat membayangkan bagaimana jika harus melengkapi forwarding table di setiap router yang  jumlahnya  tidak sedikit dalam  jaringan yang besar.

Routing Static and Dynamic


Kekurangan dan kelebihan dari Routing Statis diantaranya sebagai berikut :

Dilihat dari Segi
Penggunaan Next Hop
Dapat mencegah terjadinya error dalam meneruskan paket ke router tujuan apabila router yang akan meneruskan paket memiliki link yang terhubung dengan banyak router. Itu disebabkan karena router telah mengetahui next hop, yaitu IP Address router tujuan.
static routing yang menggunakan next hop akan mengalami multiple lookup atau lookup yg berulang. lookup yg pertama yang akan dilakukan adalah mencari network tujuan,setelah itu akan kembali melakukan proses lookup untuk mencari interface mana yang digunakan untuk menjangkau next hopnya.
Penggunaan exit interface
Proses lookup hanya akan terjadi satu kali saja ( single lookup ) karena router akan langsung meneruskan paket ke network tujuan melalui interface yang sesuai pada routing table
Kemungkinan akan terjadi eror keteka meneruskan paket. jika link router terhubung dengan banyak router, maka router tidak bisa memutuskan router mana tujuanya karena tidak adanya next hop pada tabel routing. karena itulah, akan terjadi eror

Routing static dengan menggunakan next hop cocok digunakan untuk jaringan multi-access network atau point to multipoint sedangkan untuk jaringan point to point, cocok dengan menggunakan exit interface dalam mengkonfigurasi static route.

Recursive route lookup adalah proses yang terjadi pada routing tabel untuk menentukan exit interface mana yang akan digunakan ketika akan meneruskan paket ke tujuannya.


B. Dynamic Routing (Routing Dinamis)

Dynamic Routing (Router Dinamis) adalah sebuah router yang memiliki dan membuat tabel routing secara otomatis, dengan mendengarkan lalu lintas jaringan dan juga dengan saling berhubungan antara router lainnya. Protokol routing mengatur router-router sehingga dapat berkomunikasi satu dengan yang lain dan saling memberikan informasi satu dengan yang lain dan saling memberikan informasi routing yang dapat mengubah isi forwarding table, tergantung keadaan jaringannya. Dengan cara ini, router-router mengetahui keadaan jaringan yang terakhir dan mampu meneruskan data ke arah yang benar. Dengan kata lain, routing dinamik adalah proses pengisian data routing di table routing secara otomatis.

Dynamic routermempelajari sendiri Rute yang terbaik yang akan ditempuhnya untuk meneruskan paket dari sebuah network ke network lainnya. Administrator tidak menentukan rute yang harus ditempuh oleh paket-paket tersebut. Administrator hanya menentukan bagaimana cara router mempelajari paket, dan kemudian router mempelajarinya sendiri. Rute pada dynamic routing berubah, sesuai dengan pelajaran yang didapatkan oleh router.

Apabila jaringan memiliki lebih dari satu kemungkinan rute untuk tujuan yang sama maka perlu digunakan dynamic routing. Sebuah  dynamic routing dibangun berdasarkan informasi yang dikumpulkan oleh protokol routing. Protokol ini didesain untuk mendistribusikan informasi yang secara dinamis mengikuti perubahan kondisi jaringan. Protokol routing mengatasi situasi routing yang kompleks secara cepat dan akurat. Protokol routng didesain tidak hanya untuk mengubah ke rute  backup  bila rute utama tidak berhasil, namun juga didesain untuk menentukan rute mana yang terbaik untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut.

Pengisian dan pemeliharaan tabel routing tidak dilakukan secara manual oleh admin. Router saling bertukar informasi routing agar dapat mengetahui alamat tujuan dan menerima tabel routing. Pemeliharaan jalur dilakukan berdasarkan pada jarak terpendek antara device pengirim dan device tujuan.

Macam-Macam dari Routing Dinamis (Dynamic Router) adalah
  • RIP (Routing Information Protocol) Info Lanjut RIP >>
  • IGRP (Internal Gateway Routing Protokol) Info LanjutIGRP >>
  • OSPF (Open Shortest Path First) Info Lanjut OSPF >>
  • EIGRP (Enhanced Internal Gateway Routing Protokol) Info Lanjut EIGRP>>
  • BGP (Border Gateway Protokol) Info Lanjut BGP>>

Berikut ini tabel perbedaan yang spesifik untuk kedua jenis routing:

Routing Statik
Routing Dinamik
Berfungsi pada protocol IP
Berfungsi pada inter-routing protocol
Router tidak dapat membagi informasi routing
Router membagi informasi routing secara otomatis
Routing table dibuat dan dihapus secara manual
Routing table dibuat dan dihapus secara otomatis
Tidak menggunakan routig protocol
Terdapat routing protocol, seperti RIP atau OSPF
Microsoft mendukung multihomed system seperti router
Microsoft mendukung RIP untuk IP dan IPX/SPX

Demikian penjelasan mengenai Pengertian, Perbedaan Routing Static dan Routing Dynamic semoga postingan ini bermanfaat.
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Android KitKat captures market share faster

Lollipop is finally here and its updates continue to be programmed. As usual, Google communicates the market share of Android versions such that it has measured on the first day of January. KitKat will soon exceed the 40% market share.

This is a mandatory exercise for Android which allows a clear view of the progress of versions with respect to each other. What we can see is the net growth of Android 4.4 KitKat with nearly 40% market share last month. Android 5.0 Lollipop does not have enough market share to appear in rear developers.

For several months, Google has implemented a fairly strict certification. Google no longer issues GMS certification to devices that come with too old version of Android and since July 31, 2014 the new Android devices must be equipped with Android 4.4 KitKat. This approval from Google that allows for the Google Play services, including all Google applications like Play Store or Gmail.
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Herzbergs theory motivation

53. Herzbergs motivator - hygiene model suggests an employee can be motivated through fringe benefits only.


Herzbergs motivator - hygiene model suggests an employee can be motivated through the design of the job.

54. According to Herzbergs motivator - hygiene model, motivator factors include company policy and administration, technical supervision, salary, fringe benefits, working conditions, and interpersonal relations, and are extrinsic factors, or factors external to the job.


This is the definition of hygiene factors. Motivator factors include the work itself, recognition, advancement, and responsibility, and are intrinsic factors that are directly related to the job and are largely internal to the individual.

55. According to Herzbergs motivator - hygiene model, hygiene factors include company policy and administration, technical supervision, salary, fringe benefits, working conditions, and interpersonal relations, and are extrinsic factors, or factors external to the job.


56. According to Herzbergs motivator - hygiene model, motivator factors include the work itself, recognition, advancement, and responsibility, and are intrinsic factors that are directly related to the job and are largely internal to the individual.


57. In the job characteristics model, the three critical psychological states affected are experienced meaningfulness of the tasks performed, experienced personal responsibility for task outcomes, and knowledge that the employee is fairly compensated for his work.


First 2 states are correct, the 3rd state is incorrect. Correct answer is: In the job characteristics model, the three critical psychological states affected are experienced meaningfulness of the tasks performed, experienced personal responsibility for task outcomes, and knowledge of the results of task performance.
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A sample of the new Sony Xperia C6903 appeared

A sample of the new Sony Xperia appeared on Indonesian Postel website. Form No. C6903 Xperia suggests that this is a high-end device, the Xperia Z (C660X), and the last digit '3 'suggestion that it supports LTE frequency band in Europe.
Previously it was announced that a number of C6907 samples were used for internal Z Xperia Tablet wifi version, so we are not sure if this number has been reused to another device or whether related to the Xperia LTE Tablet SKU Z.

If we are looking for another device, then it's a good chance there will be for the upcoming launch of Sony products, can also be Xperia Ultra Z ('Togari) or Honami. We will bring you more information when we
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First Generation Surface Equipped with Wi Fi Only

The first generation of Microsoft Surface tablets reportedly will only come with Wi-Fi connectivity and will not be able to connect to a 4G network. It was as reported by Bloomberg recently.

Although only appear to feature Wi-Fi connectivity, it is not always a bad sign for the software giants tablet.

The reason, according to an analyst from the narrative of Gartner named Carolina Milanesi in a note on Bloomberg, said it is not necessarily a bad thing because many people are happy with a device that only has Wi-Fi connectivity, either in notebook or tablet.

Further Milanesi said most customers are still using the tablet device at home, where they have a Wi-Fi.

"Wi-Fi-only is not a limit to the Surface," Milanesi said.

Microsoft said this week that it will begin selling the Surface at the end of this year.

Based on the accounts of two anonymous sources close to the issue, said that Microsoft has been having an contract with Pegatron Corp., to manufacture Surface. As we know Pegatron is a Taiwan based company that has been assembled for the Apple iPhone.
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Acer Iconia Tab A110 Android 4 0 ICS Quad Core Price Under 200 USD

Acer has recently launched a new tablet, Iconia Tab A110, at Computex Taipei trade show event.

Tablet with 7-inch format screen resolution of 1280 x 800 pixels it will come equipped with quad-core processor NVIDIA Tegra 3, 1 GB RAM, microSD card slot, a camera on the front, HDMI connectivity, and will run Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich as a system operations.

Interestingly, as quoted in The Verge, although present to the specifications made ​​by Acers slick new tablet that will be priced at less than 200 USD.

Iconia Tab A110 would seem to be one of the first tablet that will be part of a strategy of low-priced high-power of NVIDIA. This tablet will be released to the market in the third quarter of this year.
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Google Now Application accept the award for Innovation of the Year

Google Now one neat feature that was first buried in Android 4.1 Jelly Bean has received the award for Innovation of the Year from Popular Science.

In the Popular Science publications praised Google Now as the first virtual assistant who actually answered the needs of users.

Google Now, an expansion of the service in which Google Search has pinned many intelligent capabilities that will help the user to monitor the weather, show the location, and provide recommendations of places that should be visited by the user.

Advanced application Google Now can also be accessed from the lockscreen or via the Google Search widget, then the user will be given a simple search engine that is ready to receive questions or voice commands.

So, unlike that Siri uses Wolfram Alpha as the brain, the application Google Nowmaximize the functionality of the search engine Google to answer and provide information needed by users of Android devices.
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Ubuntu Edge Smartphone The new wind would subversive mobile phone market

Ubuntu Edge Smartphone
A few days ago, Canonical unveiled phones running the Ubuntu operating system called Edge with hardware configurations attractive and luxurious style. It is hoped to attract investments of about $ 32 million before August 22, if successfully raised, Canonical can produce 40,000 phone and hit the market in May Edge 5/2014.

However, if the project fails, Canonical will have to choose a new direction that is focused on developing Ubuntu to turn it into a commercial operating system, while Edge will quietly disappear like never appears. So compared to the Samsung Galaxy S4 and iPhone 5 are storming the market, the Edge is what the user really attractive?

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Image close up iPad mini 2 Sensors Touch ID support

Recently, technology news site DoNews China has uploaded 2 new images fairly complete  iPad mini 2 tablet launched yet. This is the yellow version similar to the color of champagne on the new iPhone 5s. However, noteworthy is also a border around your Home button iPad mini 2 is quite similar to what we saw on the 5s. This raises the question that the iPad mini 2 will also support mini fingerprint sensor, although thats just a guess not many bases.

In recent days, a number of sites have reported that the iPad mini 2 and iPad 5 will simultaneously be released in October next. But according to new internal resource leak from Cupertino may iPad mini 2 will not appear before 2014. Besides, the device is equipped A7 processor and 1 GB of RAM, but the screen resolution is still a mystery.
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Samsung Galaxy S Duos 2 Advantages and Specifications

Samsung Galaxy S Duos 2 - Advantages and Specifications,Samsung issued a Samsung Galaxy S 2 Duos S7582 with specifications that interest. Following we say a few of the advantages of this samsung:
Advantages Of  Samsung Galaxy S Duos 2:

  1. Dimensions are, comfortable in the hand and fits Pocket clothing. 121.5 x 63.1 x 10.6 mm and weighs 118 g.
  2. Capable Dual SIM GSM-GSM. Both SIM 3G internet network able to reach. Using the SIM card regular type.
  3.  4 inch screen is wide enough, support for easy navigation and interaction via chat browsing, and multitasking. Screen resolution of 480 x 800 pixels with 233 ppi pixel density reach.
  4.  The main camera shots presenting the maximum resolution of 5 MP, 2592Ñ…1944 pixels equipped with autofocus, LED flash and Geo-tagging. To record a video, Smasung Galaxy S Duos 2 gives quality at a resolution of 720p @ 30fps.
  5. Standard connectivity available is Wi-Fi 802.11 b / g / n, Wi-Fi Direct, Wi-Fi hotspot, Bluetooth v4.0 with A2DP, microUSB v2.0.
  6. Using Dual-core processor 1.2 GHz for mennjalankan Android OS v4.2 (Jelly Bean), the performance diukung by 768 MB of RAM. Specification kitchen runway is quite competitive in the smartphone middle class.
  7. Media storage on external memory super relieved because it supports the addition of up to 64 GB microSD. While the internal memory is equipped with 4 GB of ROM.
  8. Battery capacity is moderately 1500 mAh Li-Ion battery. This battery is claimed able to survive in stand-by mode for 280 hours and talk time on 3G networks for 8 hours.
  1.   Network: GSM 850/900/1800/1900, HSDPA 900 / 2100- SIM 1 & SIM 2  
  2. Dimensions: 121.5 x 63.1 x 10.6 mm, 118 g  
  3. Screen: TFT capacitive touchscreen, 16M colors. 480 x 800 pixels, 4.0 inches (~ 233 ppi pixel density) 
  4.  Internal Memory: 4 GB (1.8 GB user available), 768 MB RAM  
  5. Card slot: microSD, up to 64 GB  
  6. Main camera: 5 MP, 2592Ñ…1944 pixels, autofocus, LED flash, Geo-tagging. Video 720p @ 30fps 
  7. Front camera: 0.3 MP 
  8.  OS: Android OS, v4.2 (Jelly Bean)  
  9. CPU: Dual-core 1.2 GHz  
  10. Sensors: Accelerometer, proximity, compass 
  11.  Connectivity: Wi-Fi 802.11 b / g / n, Wi-Fi Direct, Wi-Fi hotspot, Bluetooth v4.0 with A2DP, microUSB v2.0.  
  12. Radio: Stereo FM radio with RDS  
  13. GPS: with A-GPS support and GLONASS 
  14.  Battery: Li-Ion 1500 mAh  
  15. Color: black and white
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Smartphone market share India slide the U S

Smartphone market share, International Data Corporation (IDC) released the latest data show that India being the second largest market in the smartphone industry, shifting the United States (U.S.).

Although the overall mobile phone market is still slow (growing 21 percent year-over-year, four percent of the quarter per quarter), but the use of smartphones in India is on the rise.

Smartphone market share, Smartphone shipments in the second quarter of 2013 rose 50 percent from quarter to quarter and grew significantly. A total of 9.3 million units of smartphones shipped in the second quarter this year, up from 5.8 million units last year kuarta second with 3.5 million units of smartphones.

Reporting from GSMArena, Friday (08/30/2013), the second most populous in the world, IDC predicts, the availability of 3G and 2.5G handsets with affordable prices make consumers in India to switch from feature phones.

Smartphone market share, Interestingly, in buying gadgets, Indian consumers prefer dual-SIM functionality and the big screen, only after that feature. By 30 percent of the outstanding devices in the Indian market has a screen size in the range of 5-7 inches, up 17-fold from year to year.

Smartphone with foreign brands are still strong in India, but local brands like Micromax and Carbon also gained considerable market share. More than the volume of smartphones in circulation in India is supplied from both the vendor.

Smartphone market share, The latest statistics released by IDC showed that Samsungs leadership position in the Indian smartphone market is being threatened particularly by Micromax local vendors. Samsungs market share dropped to 26 percent in Q2 2013, from 32.7 percent in Q1 2013, while Micromax increase the share to 22 percent in the second quarter from 18.8 percent in the previous quarter.

Smartphone market share, Micromax told the Economic Times that they aim to become the top smartphone players in Q3 2013, Samsung will topple off its pedestal. Micromax founder Rahul Sharma says: "Micromax have exceeded the 2 million unit shipments in Q2 2013 and is ready to become one of the number one smartphone in India in Q3. We expect to exceed $ 1 billion with our strategy of innovative products, strong distribution and marketing focused on the youth of India. "

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Samsung Galaxy Chat with Android 4 0 and Dual Input

Samsung again threw its latest smartphone, Galaxy Chat. Shaped Candy Bar, Galaxy Chat comes with touch screen technology and a full physical qwerty keypad (Qwerty Touch). This smartphone weights 112 grams and is fairly slim thanks to a thickness of 11.7 mm.

Samsung Galaxy Chat brings Android OS 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich with TouchWiz touch. QVGA touch screen 3-inch size that is equipped with a rear camera of 2 MP. Uniquely, the user can open or view the notification directly though the screen is locked.

As the name "Chat", Samsung promises the user can inter-connected by family or relatives easily. Moreover, Samsung chaton message with a special key to access it directly as well as applications AllShare Play for media sharing.

Talk connectivity, equipped with Bluetooth 3.0, USB 2.0, WiFi 802.11 b/g/n. This Smartphone has 1200 mAh powerful battery backed to support its performance. To help the working purposes, Galaxy Chat provides Quick Office application file format for Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint.

There is no information regarding the release date and price. Quoted from, Galaxy Chat will be available in July in Europe, Latin Amarika, Middle East, China, Southeast Asia, and Southwest Asia. Previously, the figure of our Galaxy Chat has also been said in the news on 3 July, when it was newly identified as smatphone B5330 series.
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Hot Manual Installation ROM Android 4 2 2 eXistenZv1 of the phone Xperia i1 Honami on Xperia Z

No need to wait until the birth Xperia i1 Honami , now Xperia Z users can still enjoy the exotic taste of it, right on your phone through a relatively complete rom named is eXistenZ v1.
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Detailed images iPhone 5C phones cheap of Apple

Detailed images iPhone 5C, phones "cheap" of Apple
Detailed images iPhone 5C, phones "cheap" of Apple
Recently, many clear pictures of iPhone 5C has been posted on the internet. Accordingly, this smartphone will use plastic design with minimalist styling and not much different than the
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5 Cool Facts about Sony Smartphone Xperia Z

Sony smartphone, SONY Xperia Z has been widely circulated in 60 countries around the world Through Z Xperia , Sonys attempt to catch up with them compared to Samsung and Apple - which dominate the smartphone sales in 2012.
Xperia Z is also one of the most gadget -awaited consumer . No doubt , Sony was quite pleased with initial sales in Japan and France . How not , NTT DoCoMo has sold over 140 thousand units in the week beginning Z Xperia smartphone sales waterproof and dust are in Japan . And in France , Sony mentioned that the stock was sold out within a day .

Then , why Z Xperia handset predicted would be sold ? If you want to buy Xperia Z , you should first know five important facts about Xperia Z.

1 . Sony Xperia Z has bagged IP55 and IP57 certification , which makes it waterproof and dust . Sony Xperia Z states that can be dipped into the deep water of no more than one meter for 30 minutes . Although waterproof , Sony smartphone
Xperia Z does not recommend use in sea water because it can damage the body feared Xperia Z.

2 .Sony smartphone Xperia Z 5 inch screen resolution of 1920 x 1080 pixels . This means that the screen has support Full HD . The clarity and sharpness of the screen is also reinforced by the Mobile Bravia Engine 2 technology , a technology which has been used in the production of Sony flat screen TV : Sony Bravia .

3 . To ensure good performance , Sony immerse four core processor Snapdragon S4 Pro 1.5 GHz Qualcomm . This processor is claimed to provide high performance and fast .

4 . Internal memory available on sony smartphones Xperia Z is 16 GB . But do not be upset , because he has an external memory slot which can be expanded up to 32 GB ( microSD ) .

5 . Sony has experienced in audio technology . He is known to have the most famous music player , Walkman . The Japanese company also has experience in creating headphones / earphones that have a clear voice . sony smartphone, the Xperia Z , Sony Walkman music player improve . Some of the features included to deliver crystal clear sound and high-tech is ClearAudio + , surround sound mode so that the resulting sound nicer Xperia Z and coherent , clear stereo , and xLOUD to improve the internal audio capabilities .

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ZTE N880E First Android Jelly Bean 4 1 Smartphone in China

ZTE Corporation (ZTE) launched the ZTE N880E, which is a first Android Jelly Bean 4.1 handset in China. And, listed as the third Android Jelly Bean smartphone in the world. Jelly Bean used is Google Experience version.

More information about ZTE N880E, the phone has a 4.0 inch capacitive touchscreen WVGA resolution (480x800 pixels). Embedded processor chipset which is a 1GHz Qualcomm 7627A. Internal memory is provided which is 4GB, which seems large enough to accommodate a variety of multimedia files. Provided the microSD card slot.

Despite his advanced OS, but it camera features fairly standard. The camera has only 3.2 MP, supported with autofocus capabilities. Theres just one thing of interest here, namely the design of the body, which appeared slim with a thickness of only 10.4 mm.

For information, ZTE N880E previously been rolled on the market in May, with an encouraging level of sales, which claimed to have sold more than one million units. At that time, the operating system is still wearing the Android 2.3 Gingerbread.

Now, ZTE N880E has been upgraded to Android OS version 4.1 Jelly Bean. The result is improved performance and better responsiveness. Also, the update notification features are supported plus Google Now.

ZTE N880E Specifications

Dimensions: 119mm x 61mm x 10.4mm
Weight: 130 grams
Screen: TFT capacitive touchscreen, 4.0-inch, WVGA (480 x 800 pixels)
Battery: Li-ion 1650mAh
Network: CDMA2000 1x, EVDO Rev.A, 800MHz
Android OS 4.1.1 Jelly Bean
Qualcomm 7627A chipset, 1GHz
Memory: 512MB 4GB
Extended memory: MicroSD (up to 32GB)
3.2 MP autofocus camera
Bluetooth 2.1, A2DP, AVRCP
WLAN 802.11 b / g / n
GPS (A-GPS), GMS, FM radio
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Samsung smartphones developed Galaxy F with metal casing new design higher prices Note

According to Korean news site ETNews, Samsung is currently developing a line of high-end phones called the Galaxy F besides the well known Galaxy S machines over time. The first device of this line is expected to launch early next year with "high-quality details", such as full metal casing, slim design and is different from what Samsung Galaxy S4/Note are applying. This product is equipped with eight people Exynos processor, 16 megapixel camera with optical image stabilization system. It is not clear the screen size and resolution, but will likely continue to use Samsung AMOLED screen with a size of 5 "and Full-HD resolution.
Samsung smartphones developed Galaxy F with metal casing, new design, higher prices Note
Samsung smartphones developed Galaxy F with metal casing, new design, higher prices Note
The source added that the Galaxy F will be priced higher than the current line of Galaxy Note. Samsung Galaxy F will help keep up with the market trends quickly than the model only launch two major current year (new first Galaxy S, Galaxy Note at the end of last year).
Source: ETNews
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Instagram of John Cobalt

John Cobalt
Amazing photographs by John Cobalt, talented photographer based in Saint Petersburg, Florida, US. He is primarily a wildlife photographer but with a different twist, using minimal backgrounds. Starting off as a painter, John found photography later in life after finding himself drawn to wildlife and nature photographs on the internet.

Instagram of John Cobalt

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